Whether you're doing audio, graphics, video, animation, or any combination of them, there's an open source tool that will help you produce professional-level results.
As 2016 approaches, many of us are thinking about how fast 2015 flew by. To capture a snapshot of the year, we've launched the 2015 Open Source Yearbook, a community…
Every year, most news sites write at least one retrospective article, usually more. I like reading these roundups of open source-related news that fill our feeds this time of…
I was the first young woman to join the Penn Manor High School Student Help Desk, an independent study course where we learn about software, hardware, technical support, and…
When I was 13, our school was hooked up to the Internet—a 28.8 kbps U.S. Robotics modem was all that stood between us and the vast expanses of the Web. As I grew to understand…
It may be a relatively niche market, but not all video editing is done in post production. There are use cases for live, on-the-fly video editing and basic compositing. You've…
Let's take a few minutes to talk—well, read and write—about one of my favorite parts of the creative process: concept development. You can call it brainstorming, spit-balling…
This week— specifically, July 2—marks the mid-point of 2015. (How are those New Year's resolutions working out for you?) As of July 2, we will have published approximately 500…
The word alternative is one of those shifty terms, with a definition that changes depending on perspective. For instance, something that is alternative to one person is the…
The software racket is like anything else: there are loud projects that get a lot of attention but don't actually get much done, there are heavyweights that move in and make…
While I was looking at the collection of stickers on the All Things Open 2015 sticker table, I complimented event organizer Todd Lewis, who was standing nearby, on the…