Seth Kenlon

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Authored Cheat Sheets and Downloads

YAML cheat sheet

YAML is a simple but robust data serialization language. It achieves high flexibility with just two data structures: sequences (a list) and mappings (key and value pairs). If…

Linux find cheat sheet

The find command is a great tool for searching through your system, but it's also a really useful front-end for the powerful Parallel command. There are many reasons to learn…

JavaScript cheat sheet

JavaScript is a loosely typed and dynamic scripting language developed for the Internet and a core technology of the World Wide Web. It is a surprisingly multipurpose language…

Linux dnf Cheat Sheet

The dnf command is a Linux package manager on RPM distributions, including Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, OpenMandriva, and Mageia. The more you know about how your package manager…

Kubernetes cheat sheet

Kubernetes manages clusters of containers, providing tools for deploying and scaling applications, managing changes to containerized applications, and optimizing the use of…

Authored Comments

My favourite grep options are --with-filename and --ignore-case.  One ignores case, and the other displays which of many files my search string appears. Brilliant.

I would give real money for there to be a standardized protocol for package management. Then I propose we rename the current `install` command from coreutils to `ginstall`, and adopt `install` as the universal package management command. It can be symlinked to any given backend, but functionally it would work the same everywhere.