Top 10 and highlights: May review welcomed 27 new authors in May and set a new page view record.
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In May, attracted more than 681,000 unique visitors who generated 1,142,839 page views, our eighth consecutive month with more than 1-million page views and a new record. We published 91 articles in May, including a series on Open Hardware, and articles in three event series: PyCon, OSCON, and OpenStack Summit.

We were excited to welcome 27 new authors, and 69% of our content was contributed by members of the open source community. Our fabulous group of community moderators contributed 19 articles.

Top 10 new articles published in May

  1. 4 terminal applications with great command-line UIs—by Amjith Ramanujam
  2. 4 Python libraries for building great command-line user interfaces—by Amjith Ramanujam
  3. 30 best practices for software development and testing—by Michael Foord (Red Hat)
  4. 5 Arduino projects to upgrade your car—by Alex Sanchez (Red Hat)
  5. How to create an Internet-in-a-Box on a Raspberry Pi—by Don Watkins (Community Moderator)
  6. An introduction to Linux's EXT4 filesystem—by David Both (Community Moderator)
  7. How to speed up your MySQL queries 300 times —by Anna Filina
  8. Get started with machine learning using Python—by Dr. Michael J. Garbade
  9. A beginner's guide to Linux syscalls—by Liz Rice
  10. 5 ways to motivate technical employees—by Sam Erskine

Would you like to see your name on this list? Send us your story ideas.

What's coming up

June: See what's coming up this month the June preview.

July: In July is running a series on tools and tips for sysadmins and we're looking for contributions. Article proposals are due by June 12. Drafts are due on or before June 30.

Here are a few ideas for inspiration:

  • Share your homegrown sysadmin script or program to automate or manage your system(s)
  • A beginners guide to X sysadmin tool
  • Sysadmin advice (you learned the hard way)
  • X mistakes new sysadmins make (and how to fix them)
  • The care and feeding of sysadmins (how to keep your sysadmins happy)
  • X top sysadmin resources
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Rikki Endsley is the Developer Program managing editor at Red Hat, and a former community architect and editor for

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