How I migrated from a Mac Mini to a Raspberry Pi Learn more about Linux by turning a Raspberry Pi Model 2 into a workable desktop computer.
Adding a display to a travel-ready Raspberry Pi Zero A small eInk display turns a Raspberry Pi into a self-contained, pocket-sized travel computer.
How to set up the Raspberry Pi Zero for travel You don't have to invest large amounts of money to build a relatively powerful system that can be taken on the road and used productively.
How to whiteboard collaboratively with Drawpile Need to whiteboard or draw something with others? Give Drawpile a try.
Open source alternative for multi-factor authentication: privacyIDEA As technology changes, so too will our need to adapt our authentication mechanisms.
Introducing the guide to getting started with the Raspberry Pi Find out how to choose a Raspberry Pi and start using it in our new eBook.
How to write effective documentation for your open source project Documentation quality can make the difference in people trying your project or passing it by.
Directing Kubernetes traffic with Traefik A step-by-step walkthrough on ingressing traffic into a Kubernetes-Raspberry Pi cluster.
What you need to know about variables in Emacs Learn how Elisp deals with variables and to use them in your scripts and configurations.
How to install pip to manage PyPI packages easily Install the pip package manager on older versions of Python on Linux, Mac, and Windows that don't come preinstalled with pip.
Containers vs. VMs, Istio in production, and more industry news A weekly look at open source community and industry trends.