Jason B (He/Him/His)

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Slides.com will generate Reveal.js files with no coding experience needed. But for basic slide templates, if you're comfortable navigating an HTML file, you really don't need it at all.

The way I learned how to use it was to look at the code of the demo file. https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/blob/master/demo.html Slides are defined with the 'section' tag, and within each slide, it's just really simple HTML: H tags for headers, P for paragraph text, UL/LI for lists. It can, of course, get as messy and complicated as you want it to, but to get started, I'd consider just making a copy of their demo file and editing it a bit.

That said, I too would be interested in hearing if there are any great tutorials out there. I'm sure there are plenty of things that I could stand to learn too!

This is great, thanks for posting these Scott!