Jason B (He/Him/His)

Authored Content

Deploying OpenStack made easy with Puppet

When it comes to managing infrastructure deployments of a certain size, even a ninja sysadmin can't do it all without some help. In fact, one might argue that knowing when and…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
May 6, 2014

Five new, excellent OpenStack tutorials

Launching a private cloud on open source software might seem like a daunting task, but fortunately, the OpenStack community is working hard to provide resources and tutorials…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
May 1, 2014

Giving rise to the cloud with OpenStack Heat

Setting up an application server in the cloud isn't that hard if you're familiar with the tools and your application's requirements. But what if you needed to do it dozens or…

(Alumni, Red Hat)
April 16, 2014

Authored Comments

Well, hopefully their system administrator is at least out having a good time. :)

Hi Preeth, a great place to ask this kind of question is on ask.openstack.org. Or, at many times of the day you'll find the #OpenStack channel on Freenode IRC to be actively monitored by folks willing to help. Good luck!