Jason B (He/Him/His)

Authored Comments

Hi Megan,

We've got a source link back to Stackalytics under each image - did we miss an additional source link? Thanks.

I love the OpenStreetMap suggestion. As a map geek, I love open geodata projects because they allow just about anyone to participate - all it takes is some knowledge of the area where you live, work, and play to made great additions to mapping data.

Keeping the map geek theme going on the developer side, my favorite getting-started-with-open-source suggestions are GDAL/OGR, which have really easy-to-use Python bindings for people who want to try out geographic data manipulation. I also really enjoyed playing with the open source community edition of the OpenGeo Suite stack, which you can get up and running and doing cool things with no programming experience (though a little server configuration background wouldn't hurt).