Mark Phillips

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Hello! You can do customised kickstart files by having the kernel 'ks=' line point to a script. Use 'kssendmac' and an X header is sent along with the request (X-RHN-Provisioning-MAC-0 from memory). From this you can tie a MAC address to a hostname etc and send back a customised kickstart file. This really doesn't need to be a complex CGI script, as long as you can parse the X-RHN... header you're sorted. A long, long, time ago, when I still hacked Perl, I wrote something to do this I wouldn't advocate using that except for inspiration! Far better to just do a simple CGI in whatever language you are used to coding in. HTH

Nicely done feeble! Yes, I've used custom ISOs before to do 'tailored kickstart'. Using iPXE and 'kssendmac' gives a unique ID for a kickstart script to deliver a tailored config, works a treat. Some years back I used the method written about here to manage a 24 node video wall – nodes could be rebuilt entirely remotely on the fly, and the Ansible stuff was so simple and easy. Worked a treat. Thanks for letting us know what you're doing, great to hear!