Seth Kenlon

Authored Comments

ifred, I can't tell if your comment is in jest or not, but I assure you that the first line of this article was intended to be whimsical. I like learning to a fault (not actually "to a fault"; that's just a common expression to indicate that someone likes something very much) and I assumed that everyone (that's hyperbolic, of course; not literally *every* one, but the majority) reading the truly excellent (this is false bravado to indicate a certain amount of pride in the site's content) articles on this site enjoys learning new things, too. The first sentence of this article is really just a way to suggest that the reader can identify with a common trope (that learning is hard work) but in fact does not believe it.

Hope that clarifies the intent enough for you to chip away at (by "chip away" I don't literally mean for you to deconstruct the article, but to treat the words in the article as something you can process, similar to how a scuptor chips away at a block of unformed material in order to create something meaningful [not that unformed material is entirely without meaning]) the article!

Selecting text in X11 by default sends that text to the clipboard. It's what enables you to select text and NOT press ctrl+C but still be able to paste it with a middle-click. For me, it's a great feature, but I can see how it's also not always the desired outcome.

I'll file away your issue and maybe do a separate article about the subtleties of the X11 clipboard buffers. Who knows, maybe I'll stumble on an obvious work-around!