Seth Kenlon

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Authored Cheat Sheets and Downloads

Rust cheat sheet

Rust is a programming language focusing on speed, concurrency, and safety. Thanks to its integration with online registries, its helpful compiler, and its almost intuitive…

Kdenlive cheat sheet

Kdenlive is a robust open source video editing application. Though it is a powerful editor with lots of features, don't let that intimidate you. These keyboard shortcuts…

Linux cron cheat sheet

The cron system is a form of automation that puts something on a schedule. That "something" could be many different things. You can make your computer do what you want it to…

Linux wget cheat sheet

The wget command downloads files from the Internet. Unlike downloading files from a graphical window in your web browser, this Linux utility is designed to be non-interactive…

Linux logrotate cheat sheet

The logrotate utility is excellent at managing logs. It rotates, compresses, and mails system logs. This cheat sheet contains configuration options and a handy example. Keep…

Authored Comments

It's so .. kool...  to see so many Krusader fans speaking up!